CIFFA 2024 Fall Forwarder

9 THE FORWARDER | FALL 2024 Letter-writing is just one prong in a multi-pronged strategy to bring attention to an issue before government officials or before an organization. CIFFA certainly sends many letters-they aim to describe what our association is and what our members do, if and when the letter recipients are not familiar with CIFFA. They aim to outline for our members what agencies are responsible for the issues being discussed. They aim to raise the profile and awareness of the association and they aim to garner support for the cause when the letter is published online on social media channels. They also provide a recorded documentation trail for progression of the issue. Sometimes, CIFFA is called upon to support another organization in a cause that would aim to ensure opportunities for our members or that would support fluidity in the supply chain. We certainly support many of these causes. A record of CIFFA’s Letter Submissions can be found online at in our Advocacy Letters section. Here, we highlight some of the most recent pertinent communications. • July 23, 2024 Letter to Labour Minister MacKinnon “…We are writing to offer the congratulations of CIFFA Corp on your appointment to the position of Minister of Labour and Seniors.” Following the resignation of Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan in July 2024, CIFFA wrote to welcome the new Minister of Labour and Seniors, Steven MacKinnon, who had been Leader of the House. The welcome letter positioned CIFFA to the minister and outlined CIFFA’s concerns on the labour file, regarding unresolved labour contracts and threats of strikes. • August 9, 2024 Letter to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, The Honourable Steven MacKinnon, Minister of Labour and Seniors, The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Transport “We are writing to express the alarm of our membership at the prospect of a major railway disruption paralyzing the Canadian economy. An unprecedented simultaneous strike at both Class 1 railways in Canada will do terrible damage to our members and their clients.” • August 19, 2024 Letter to Labour Minister regarding rail disruption “…Dear Minister, “Rail embargoes are currently in place in anticipation of the August 22nd labour disruption, which will have significant impacts to inventory delays and increased consumer costs.” Short on the heels of the welcome letter to the new Minister of Labour and Seniors, CIFFA wrote again to Minister MacKinnon to raise concerns about the prospect of a major railway disruption. The railways did have to ramp down operations leading up to the August 22 deadline, lockout notices were given by CPKC and the TCRC union did go on the picket lines. Due to the tremendous economic consequences of the total rail stoppage the Labour Minister asked the Canadian Industrial Relations Board to have hearings and to implement final binding arbitration orders. The CIRB did proceed in this direction and rail operations were able to resume shortly thereafter. • August 23, 2024 Letter to CBSA regarding Hamilton Container Rail Project CIFFA provided a letter support for the Hamilton Container Rail Project and for the approval of an AR [Rail] sufferance area license. • August 23, 2024. Letter to Minister of Labour and Seniors regarding the possibility of a strike among Air Canada’s pilots. “…Dear Minister, It is with regret that we write to you a second time regarding a very worrisome development in labour relations, this time the possibility of a strike among the pilots of Air Canada. CIFFA represents some 14,000 freight forwarders and customs brokers, who manage about 80% of Canadian freight traffic, both domestic and international. They are the key players in Canada’s freight supply chain. A strike would ground Air Canada’s air cargo operations, leaving businesses with few, if any, alternative options, given limited capacity on other air cargo operators.” A strike was averted at the airline, as pilots and the airline agreed on new contract terms almost at the 11 th hour. ADVOCACY IN LETTERS