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International Freight Forwarding Courses

Give your skills (and your career) a boost. We offer beginner to expert-level courses that more than 260 Canadian logistics employers want to see on your resume.

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Why Freight Forwarding is Important

As facilitators in moving goods around the world, freight forwarders aren't just problem solvers. They are vital to Canada's economy and global supply chains. They enhance Canada's ability to do business with the world.

professional Freight Forwarding Courses AND DESIGNATION

CIFFA Certificate and FIATA Diploma Courses
Our Freight Forwarding courses will prepare you to work and succeed as an international freight forwarder. You'll learn to plan and execute shipments by land, air and ocean; understand routes, rates and carrier options; and accurately quote, arrange shipments and manage transportation documentation.
CIFFA/Schulich Management Program
CIFFA partners with the Schulich Executive Education Centre (SEEC) to offer three online courses that contribute to the Professional Freight Forwarder (PFF) designation. These courses focus on sales, client service and finance. Each course is designed with the logistics manager in mind, but is general enough that employees within any organization would benefit.
Professional Freight Forwarder Designation
In a competitive marketplace, differentiating yourself is a key to success. Completion of the Schulich Management courses, along with the CIFFA Certificate and FIATA Diploma courses earns you the right to apply to be recognized as a CIFFA Professional Freight Forwarder.


Schulich courses helped to capture a better understanding of core components of businesses in my daily work. The courses provided a good grasp of fundamental of sales, financial accounting procedures and customer service culture. The online material was easy to use and user friendly. The instructors were very knowledgeable and a pleasure to interact with every week.
Jonathan V Legault
Rutherford Global Logistics

Our Partners


Schulich School of Business

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