2025 Annual General Meeting
Date & Time:
Apr 02, 202512:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Port of MontrealDescription
The Board of Directors of CIFFA Corp invites those members entitled to vote to attend its annual general meeting.
Date and Location: Wednesday April 2nd, 2025 at 12:00 ET.
Port of Montreal (Model Room)
2100 Pierre-Dupuy Avenue, Wing 1
Montreal, QC, H3C 3R5 (Map)
12:00 – 12:45: Lunch at the Model Room
13:00 – 14:00: CIFFA AGM
14:15 – 16:00: Exclusive CIFFA Member Tour*: Explore the Port of Montreal Terminals!
* Capacity is limited, with only one representing each company and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Pick up location. 2100 ave. Pierre-Dupuy, Wing 1.
Once registered, we will provide our audited financial statements, nominee list for your Board of Directors and Committee Chair reports.
The agenda will consist of:
President’s Address
Treasurer Report
Approval of Financial statements
Approval of auditors
TraversEd Report
The following By-Law Revisions:
Clause 1 a) – Adding load broker, carter/drayage company, licensed customs broker and warehouse operator
Clause 1 e) – deleted in its entirety
Clause 16 – with the elimination of membership class ‘E’, the composition of the Board of Directors will change
Clause 17 – adding Board of Directors term limits
Clause 19 – adding who can attend and vote at meetings of the Board
Election of the National Board of Directors
Open question forum
The meeting agenda will include time allocated to a question and answer period with President Arnon Melo and Committee Chairs. Participants may submit written questions ahead of the meeting to admin@ciffa.com or may submit written questions during the meeting. If you cannot participate this year, please make sure to send your proxy to the Secretariat office prior to end of day March 26th, 2025 at admin@ciffa.com.
We do look forward to your voice being heard during the April 2nd AGM.
Call for Directors for CIFFA National Board: Elections at 77th AGM to Be held on Wednesday April 2, 2025, at the Port of Montreal.
If you act in a senior capacity at a CIFFA Regular Member firm and would like to represent your company and membership on the National Board of Directors, please submit your nomination, which must include your name, position/profile and company affiliation, and be accompanied by five sponsoring signatures of current regular members of CIFFA.
All nominations must be submitted to the CIFFA Secretariat, at admin@ciffa.com, no later than March 19th, two (2) weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
Randy Hnatko of Sphere 1 Logistics, Burnaby BC, is Chair of the Nominating Committee and can be contacted at randy@sphereonelogistics.com. The committee also includes three additional Committee members, Christina Forth, Flavia Iuston-Blair and Rui Fernandes.
We will have up to eleven seats open for election this year. The following nine Directors will complete their term and have agreed to stand for re-election to another two-year term.
Joel Belanger, Pro-Formance Intermodal Inc., Calgary
Paul Courtney, Courtney Agencies Ltd., Vancouver
Tim Drake, Seaboard Logistics, Toronto
Chris Ford, The Ace Group, Toronto
Christina Forth, Mass Logistik Inc, Edmonton
Randy Hnatko, Sphere 1 Logistics Inc, Vancouver
Diane Sirois, NOVA Containers Ltd, Montreal
Derrick Sones, Cole International, Calgary
Anna Vitasovic, Omnitrans Inc, Montreal
CIFFA encourages all individuals interested in volunteering on the National Board to submit their nominations by the March 19th cut-off date.