M2M Complimentary Webinar: introduction and update to the ENS filing requirements

Date & Time:

Mar 20, 2025
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm




Hosted by Trade Tech, you are invited to attend this complimentary webinar for an introduction and update to the ENS filing requirements to include filing at the HBL level for Ocean which became mandatory in 2024, the upcoming EU Road & Rail ENS filing as well as the Safety and Security Great Britain (S&S GB) declaration (GB ENS).

Import Control System 2 or ICS2, is a new EU Customs security and safety program designed to enhance the security of the global supply chain and modernize Customs processes, as an upgrade to the current ENS filing requirement.  Its implementation impacts all parties involved in shipping goods to or via (FROB) the EU by ocean and inland waterways road and rail. It requires the electronic submission of detailed goods information prior to their arrival in the EU , facilitating risk analysis for security and safety.

Adarsh Vasudev will present information on:

• ENS implementation dates

• Which countries are included in ENS filing?

• What is different from other filings?

• Until recently, EU ENS was strictly an ocean carrier level filing; now freight forwarders are required to file ENS.

• How should stakeholders prepare for ICS2 / ENS filing?

• Market update for Ocean ENS, Road and Rail ENS and Security Great Britain (S&S GB) ENS (GB ENS)


Presenter: Adarsh Vasudev

Adarsh Vasudev serves as the Sales Director for Trade Tech. With over 20 years of experience, Adarsh has developed deep expertise in the shipping and logistics industry. His career journey began in the shipping and logistics domain, where he specialized in multi-customer sales roles. Throughout his career, he has also contributed to business analysis, pre-sales, client training, and post-sales activities. 

Adarsh was responsible for helping to establish the company’s presence in the Indian market, particularly focusing on solutions to help clients meet global Customs filing requirements.